Orchid Quest 2014


Anything Orchids
Charlotte Fung Miller
Goin' To Pot Orchids
Iowa Orchids
Leo Schordje
Natt’s Orchids
New Vision Orchids
Orchid Inn
Orchid Trading Company
Orchids by Hausermann
Orchids Garden Centre & Nursery
Paradigm Gardens
R. Vaughan James Designs
Sunprarie Orchids
Sunset Valley Orchids - PREORDER ONLY
UW – Madison Orchid Research Group
Win Byers Pottery


Batavia Orchid Society
Eastern Iowa Orchid Society
Illinois Orchid Society
Illowa Orchid Society
Northeastern Wisconsin Orchid Society
Orchid Growers' Guild
Orchid Society of Minnesota
Wisconsin Orchid Society

Artists and Educational Exhibits

Mary Bauschelt – botanical
David Carpenter – pencil
Frances Coates – acrylic
Jan Feyzi – watercolor
Sandra Haspl – acrylic
JJ Joyce – photo

Linda Markwardt – acrylic
Annette Minter – porcelain
Richard Narf – photography
Cherrie Pearsall – staine glass
George Pobuda – pottery
Mitzi Soldner – porcelain
Cynthia Spratt – watercolor
Betsy Wacker – photo
Marcia Whitmore – watercolors
Vina Yang – painter

Participant Information

We encourage you to “pre-register” your orchids for the show
2014 Show Rule Book
2014 Registration Form

Weekend Boxed Lunches: $15.40

Choice of:
1. Citrus Glazed Ham and swiss on whole wheat bread
2. Turkey and cheddar wrap on Herb tortilla
3. Roast vegetable & havarti dill cheese on Vienna or wheat bread

Each box lunch comes with:

Individual bag of chips
Whole apple
Home-baked gourmet cookie
Choice of soda or bottle water

Order from Judy Stevenson by January 24, 2014

Hotel Information



Orchid Quest 2014

You will want to include Orchid Quest 2014 in your New Year’s Resolutions.

Orchid Quest is February 1 & 2nd, 2014. Think of it as a mini vacation to the tropics or to an exotic island that is in your own back yard. Orchid Quest 2014 promises to be the event that you don’t want to miss. It is our 27th year to put this show together. It will be larger and more diversified than ever.

Orchid Quest 2014, sponsored by the Madison Orchid Growers’ Guild, will be held at Exhibition Hall the Alliant Energy Center, 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison, WI. Huge orchid displays in the exhibit area and thousands of fragrant orchids for sale from vendors. Also: seminars, quilts, artwork, painted porcelain, raffle, silent auction and everything you need to take care of your new orchid plants.

The show is Saturday February 1, 10AM to 5 PM and Sunday February 2, 10 AM to 4 PM. One day entry fee is $7.00 and two day pass is $10.00. Tour group of 10 or more get a $1.00 discount if is arranged ahead of time by calling 231-3163. Children 12 and under are free.

Orchid Quest Keynote Speaker

Fred Clarke has been growing orchids for since 1977 and has been hybridizing for 32 of those years. With over 30 years as a professional grower and manager in the horticultural industry, Fred applies these skills at his 40,000 sq. ft. orchid nursery (more than an acre under cover) Sunset Valley Orchids, Inc., located in San Diego, California. Keynote Speaker Fred Clarke

He is a passionate orchid grower whose curiosity in orchids is broad and varied. Although developing Cattleya hybrids has been his sustaining interest, he is also actively creating new Catasetinae, Paphiopedilum and Australian Dendrobium hybrids. He says “Breeding for Cattleyas and Catasetinae has been producing some very nice developments and the Aussie Dendrobium breeding is looking like it's going to be a home run. The off springs have been excellent.”

His pioneering work in Catasetum intergeneric breeding has led to the development of several notable hybrids, most recently the grex, Fredclarkeara After Dark, which produced “the blackest flower ever witnessed”. This grex has received eight FCC’s, six AM’s and the coveted ‘Award of Distinction’ on the first flowers shown for judging!

Fred is an internationally acclaimed speaker and travels extensively within USA, Puerto Rico, Canada, South America, Australia - twice, New Zealand - twice, and South Africa. He is an accredited American Orchid Society Judge in the Pacific South region. His plants have received hundreds of quality awards from the American Orchid Society.

Fred Clarke
Sunset Valley Orchids 1255 Navel Place
Vista, CA 92081
(760) 639-6255

Pre orders get a 10% discount and with no shipping costs that is a nice total discount.

Orchid Quest Social Event

5:30 PM Dinner in Mendota Room #8
Menu:Roast Pork Loin with Apple Compote& Toasted Walnuts
Fresh Fruit Salad
Assorted Cookies & Dessert Bars
Wine (Red or While) is available for $5.00/glass extra

If a vegetarian meal is desired, please indicate that when you make reservations.

6:00 PM Keynote speaker, Fred Clarke - “Catasetum species, hybrids and their culture.”

This event is open to everyone, however reservations are required. The cost of Dinner is $25. Reservations and payment for dinner are due January 24, 2014. Please make the check out to 'Orchid Grower's Guild' and mail to Judy Stevenson, Orchid Grower's Guild, PO Box 5432, Madison, WI 53705

Orchid Quest Bus Tour

Bus tours are an easy and convenient way for your group of friends traveling to Orchid Quest. Bus parking is $18 per day at the event gate. A 20 passenger van only pays $6 per day at the event gate. Contact 608- 231-3163 to set up the special parking ahead of time.

Special group admission rates offer a $1 savings per day for each person and are available (in advance only) for groups of 10 or more. One-day tickets are $6 and two-day tickets are $9. To organize a group tour, email Judy Stevenson at [email protected] or call 608-231-3163.

Hope to see you there!

Orchid Quest 2013, OGG display

Orchid Quest 2011, OGG dislpay

Educational Programs

Saturday, February 1
Time Topic Presentor
11:00am Spotted and Splashed Cattleyas and their culture Fred Clarke Fred Clarke has been growing orchids for since 1977 and has been hybridizing for 32 of those years. With over 30 years as a professional grower and manager in the horticultural industry, Fred applies these skills at his 40,000 sq. ft. orchid nursery (more than an acre under cover) Sunset Valley Orchids, Inc., located in San Diego, California.

Fred is an internationally acclaimed speaker and travels extensively within USA, Puerto Rico, Canada, South America, Australia - twice, New Zealand - twice, and South Africa. He is an accredited American Orchid Society Judge in the Pacific South region. His plants have received hundreds of quality awards from the American Orchid Society.

Sunset Valley Orchids, San Diego, CA
1:00pm Taking the Mystery Out of Growing Orchids Hermann Pigors Hermann Pigors is a professional horticulturist with 4 years of basic floriculture training in Germany. He has been continuously working in the orchid specialty there and here for 58 years. In the Chicago area he was employed by the Hausermann firm in Villa Park from 1957 to 1973. In fall of 1973 he purchased an existing Greenhouse in Dundee and established OAK HILL GARDENS. The firm was family owned and operated by the next generation, daughter Liese and son-in-law Greg Butler until 2012.

He is now an American Orchid Society Judge Emeritus and was president of the Illinois Orchid Society and the Mid-America Orchid Congress."

Oak Hill Gardens, Dundee, IL
2:30pm Wonderful World of Brachypedilums Sam Tsui Sam Tsui owns and operats Orchid Inn, Ltd with his wife Jeanie. He has a passion for orchids and started growing orchids in the early 1980's. Sam started breeding & hybridizing in the early 1990's. He selects the best and most vigorous parent plants for breeding/hybridizing.

Sam is recognized internationally and has traveled and lectured at many shows abroad. Here in the states, he travels to shows and does lecturing. He specializes in Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums with partical emphasize on species, Brachypetalum, Parvisepalum and Multifloral hybrids.

As a result of his breeding program, he has over two hundred special orchid awards as well as 13 FCC/AOS awards, a 93 point CCE/AOS award, and seven AQ/AOS awards.

Orchid Inn Orchids, Bloomington, IL
Sunday, February 2
Time Topic Presentor
11:00am Native Orchids of the Midwest Scott Weber Scott Weber has worked with several public and private organizations in ecological restoration since 1979. His primary business is propagating wildflowers and other plants native to south-central Wisconsin, including hardy orchids.

He starts most species from seed, but propagates a few species by cuttings or division if seed propagation is impractical. All orchids are started in the laboratory since their seeds have specialized requirements for germination. He also does custom plant propagation.

He sells at the Dane County Farmers’ Market. In addition to native plants and habitat restoration, he and his wife grow much of their own food.

Bluestem Farm, Baraboo, WI.
12:30pm Why do Orchid Names Keep Changing Dr. Ken Cameron Dr. Ken Cameron has been a speaker at Orchid Quest in the past and we are happy to have him with us again this year. Ken earned his doctorate at the University of North Carolina in 1996, was a scientist at the New York Botanical Garden for almost ten years, and joined the faculty of the UW-Madison in 2007 where he is a Professor of Botany and Director of the Wisconsin State Herbarium.

He is recognized as an international scientist. Dr. Cameron is a world authority on the evolution and classification of orchids, and his book "Vanilla Orchids: Natural History and Cultivation" was published two years ago. He writes articles for professional journals and for the American Orchid Society monthly bulletin ORCHIDS.

University of Wisconsin - Madison
2:00pm Repotting Orchids Lynn West - member of Orchid Growers’ Guild, Madison, WI
Orchid Quest 2012

DRIVING DIRECTIONS - The Alliant Energy Center is located on the southern edge of Madison, just off Hwy. 12 & 18 (Beltline), on John Nolen Dr. between Olin Ave. and Rimrock Rd. From the Beltline, the big white dome roof of the Coliseum building is easy to recognize.

From the north on I-90/94: Where I-90 and I-94 split, stay on I-90 to Chicago and Janesville – not I-94 to Milwaukee. After four miles, take exit #142A onto Hwy. 12/18 (Beltline) west to Madison. After five miles, the white dome roof of the Coliseum building is visible on the right. Take the John Nolen Dr. exit.

From the south on I-90: Exit #142A onto Hwy. 12/18; proceed as above.

From the east on I-94: At Madison, take I-90 to Janesville and Chicago; then proceed as above.

From the west: Take Hwy. 12/18 (Beltline) going east. Exit at Rimrock Rd. or Exit #262. Take a left over the bridge. The Alliant Energy Center is on the left. You will see the entry gates

MADISON - Hotel accommodations We have reserved rooms at the Clarion Suites-Madison, 2110 Rimrock Road, Madison, WI 53713 (608) 284-1234 (which is next door the Alliant Energy Center). The OGG group rate is $89 for a studio with one queen bed and $99 for a studio with two queen beds. Clarion will hold the rooms until January 2, 2014. The discount will remain in effect after January 2, 2014, providing there are rooms available. You must call Clarion directly. These rates are not available on the internet. Please mention that you are coming to the orchid show to receive the discounted group rate. There is a walk way from the Clarion Hotel to Alliant so a person does not need walk outside.